Appeal allowed at Queens Road, Keynsham

CSJ Planning Consultants has been successful in an appeal against the decision of Bath and North East Somerset Council to refuse planning permission for the redevelopment of the land to the west side of 28 Queens Road in Keynsham. The proposal sought the erection of a 3 bedroom detached house. The site sits in a sustainable location to the south-west of Keynsham town centre, lying within a predominantly residential area, characterised by architectural diversity rather than one particular style. The planning application was refused on the basis that it would result in an over-development of the site which would appear incongruous and cramped within the street scene. As such it would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the surrounding area and would result in an unbalanced appearance to the pair of semi-detached properties being contrary to policies D.2 and D.4 of the Local Plan and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework. The appeal was dealt with via the Written Representation process. CSJ’s detailed evidence justified that the design ethos of the proposed development was in keeping with the discernible features of the surrounding area’s character made efficient use of brownfield land and was in full compliance with the NPPF and the local planning policies. Based on CSJ’ justification, the appeal was allowed and planning permission granted by the Inspector who gave significant weight to the positive contribution of the development to boost supply of new housing in Keynsham combined with its negligible impact on the character of the area. The full appeal details can be found at APP/F0114/W/15/3138607

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