Redevelopment at Bourne End Public House, Brentry

Redevelopment at Bourne End Public House, Brentry

CSJ Planning Consultants on behalf of Land Promotions Limited have submitted a full planning application for the demolition of the vacant public house and development of two paired semi detached residential dwellings on this urban brownfield site. The site is located within a residential urban area and a sustainable location close to services, jobs, schools and public transport. The public house had become unviable having numerous landlords in quick succession. Whilst a loss of a community facility, the applicant has demonstrated that there is alternative provision in the area and that this is an efficient use of this brownfield site and in accordance with both local and national planning policy. Given this and the benefits that redevelopment of the site can provide both visually and in terms of the provision of much needed housing, the principle of residential development is acceptable and in line with the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposal has a good relationship with neighbouring dwellings and will be a well designed residential scale, taking their massing and design from the immediate locality. It is anticipated that a decision upon the scheme will be made before the end of this year.

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